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2021-2022 District Improvement Goals

2021-22 District Goals

June 2, 2021

Goal 1: Build District Vision and Strategic Plan

The Superintendent, School Committee, and the District Leadership team will actively engage the] community in a Portrait of a Graduate visioning process in Fall 2021 to build community consensus around the district’s work and how its limited resources should be invested. The Portrait will serve as the fundamental guiding document for the Strategic Plan development in Spring 2022.


    • By June 2022, the HWRSD will have a widely distributed Portrait of the Graduate and an approved
    • 5-year Strategic Plan designed to achieve the outcomes articulated in the Portrait.

Action Items:

    • September 2021: Launch a Portrait of a Graduate Design Team composed of key community stakeholders.
    • November 2021: Identify Strategic Plan consultants and processes.
    • December 2021: Bring forth a consensus Portrait of a Graduate to the School Committee for approval.
    • January 2022: Launch a Strategic Plan Design Team composed of key community stakeholders and ensure alignment with the master planning processes in Hamilton and Wenham.
    • June 2022: Bring forth a consensus Strategic Plan to the School Committee for approval.

Goal Facilitator: Superintendent

Goal 2: Improve Teaching and Learning

The district will create an intentional and sustainable Multi-Tiered System of Support MTSS to ensure that our students’ academic and social-emotional needs are met.

Goal 2A: Build and Implement a Robust K-5 Reading MTSS Structure

By the end of the 2021-22 school year, the Hamilton-Wenham Regional School District will target improving district reading outcomes at the elementary level by designing and implementing a cohesive Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) across all three elementary schools.


By May 2022, the HWRSD Elementary Schools will have a documented district-wide K-5 elementary Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) to assist students in acquiring needed reading skills. This system will include:

      • Tier I (classroom) K-5 Essential Agreements for the teaching of reading
      • An identified K-5 benchmark reading assessment to measure students’ development of reading skills and associated baseline data
      • An identified K-5 reading progress monitoring assessment to measure students’ response to intervention and baseline data
      • Identified Tier II and Tier III instructional materials targeted to various reading learning profiles

Action Items:

      • By October 2021, Instructional Coaches and Elementary Principals will complete the
      • Student-Centered Coaching Practices course and coaches will begin 6-week coaching cycles in elementary classrooms.
      • By October 2021, provide professional development to Literacy Teaching Assistants in both the Science of Reading and specific reading intervention programs.
      • By December 2021, the Elementary Instructional Team will design a robust elementary MTSS system to support the literacy development of K-5 students and reinstate the Elementary Literacy Intervention Team.
      • By February 2022, assess and document the “current state” of all existing K-5 reading curriculum, instructional practices, assessments, and resources.
      • By May 2022, provide K-5 teachers professional development in the Science of Reading.
      • By June 2022, develop Essential Agreements for K-5 Literacy Blocks and share a plan to align K-5 reading instructional resources.

Goal Facilitators: Elementary Director of Teaching and Learning/Elementary Principals

Goal 2: Improve Teaching and Learning

The district will create an intentional and sustainable Multi-Tiered System of Support MTSS to ensure that our students’ academic and social-emotional needs are met.

Goal 2B: Implement Secondary Classroom Practices that will Serve as the Foundation to an MTSS Structure at MRMS and HWRHS

By the end of the 2021-22 school year, the staff and faculty of the MRMS and HWRHS
will restore and refine previously agreed upon universal strategies for accessing
classroom instruction and design a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) for the
secondary level.


By the end of October 2021:

Audit of existing 6-12 curriculum documentation

Action plan and the timeline for completing any unfinished 6-12 curriculum documentation
By end of May 2022:

Evidence of implementation of inclusive practices in each 6-12 department A design for an MTSS structure for both MRMS and HWRHS.

Action Items:

  • By October 2021, each of the 6-12 Curriculum Leaders will discuss and recommit to the use and implementation of agreed-upon inclusive practices in their content areas with their department members.
  • By Oct. 15, 2021, complete an audit of the current state of 6-12 department curriculum documents and identify an action plan to continue the process of updating the curriculum documents in all departments.
  • Between Nov. 1, 2021, and May 15, 2022, administrators and curriculum leaders will monitor inclusive practices through learning walks, grade-level checklists, and the evaluation observation process.
  • By the end of the 2021-22 school year, the secondary curriculum leadership team will present a comprehensive program of Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III supports available at the middle school and high school.

Goal Facilitators: Secondary Director of Teaching and Learning, Secondary Principals and Assistant Principals, all Curriculum Leaders

Goal 2: Improve Teaching and Learning

The district will create an intentional and sustainable Multi-Tiered System of Support MTSS to ensure that our students’ academic and social-emotional needs are met.

Goal 2C: Identify a High-Quality, Sustainable Design for World Language Instruction A World Language Advisory Committee will be established in the fall of 2021 and tasked with developing a recommendation for a long-term vision for World Language instruction in the HWRSD. This advisory committee will present their recommendation to the School Committee no later than Nov. 30, 2021.

Deliverable: World Language Advisory Committee’s recommendation to School Committee

Action Items:

    • No later than Sept. 30, 2021, the Secondary Director of Curriculum will establish a World Language Advisory Committee tasked with recommending a long-term vision for world language in the district and implications for the FY23 budget by the last day of November 2021.
    • By Nov. 30, 2021, the World Language Advisory Committee will review current and historical world language in the HWRSD, other regional programs, and research on best practices. The committee will also solicit feedback from families, staff, and students.
    • By Nov. 30, 2021, the World Language Advisory findings and recommendations will be presented to the School Committee at the beginning of the FY23 budget process.

Goal Facilitator: Secondary Director of Teaching and Learning

Goal 3: Commit to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) practices

The Hamilton-Wenham Regional School District will meet the evolving and varied needs of all of our students and school community members in a manner that respects and values each individual, and:

    • recognizes, acknowledges, and celebrates the presence of differences in all community members;
    • promotes justice, impartiality, and fairness;
    • welcomes and invites diversity in decision-making processes and developing opportunities for our community.


By December of 2021, HWRSD staff will participate in training to help build a collective understanding of DEI competencies.

By January 22, the district will have completed a DEI audit in collaboration with an outside consultant

By the end of the 2021-22 school year, the district will have developed an action plan to address deficiencies identified in the DEI audit.

Action Items:

    • Summer 2021: Offer DEI-focused book club opportunities for faculty and staff.
    • Summer 2021: DEI Leadership Team will partner with the Professional Development Committee to plan DEI-focused PD.
    • September 2021: Establish a DEI Advisory Committee with representation from key stakeholder groups.
    • September 2021 - January 2022: Complete a DEI audit of the district in collaboration with an outside consultant
    • Winter 2022: Host a joint workshop of the HWRSD School Committee, District Leadership Team, and DEI Advisory Committee to review audit findings and create a shared vision for the District’s DEI initiative.
    • 2021-22 School Year: Provide professional development/learning opportunities to build a collective understanding of DEI competencies amongst staff, students, and community members.

Goal Facilitators: Director of Special Education, Director of Counseling, MRMS Assistant Principal

Goal 4: Improving Learning Environments

Students in the Hamilton-Wenham Regional School District will have access to learning environments that
are safe, clean, and sustainable. District learning environments shall be a source of civic pride for the
entire community. The District shall collaborate with both the towns of Hamilton and Wenham to plan
significant capital investments effectively.


By June 2022, the School Committee will receive a copy of the updated Facilities Master Plan.

Action Items:

    • By July 2021, the District will issue a Request for Proposal for consulting services to update the 2014 Master Plan.
    • By July of 2021, the District will issue a Request for Proposal for designer services to update the 2017 schematic for the Athletic Facilities Improvement project to include items prioritized by the Athletic Facilities Improvement Steering Committee.
    • By August 2021, the District shall contract with a consulting firm to update the 2014 Master Plan.
    • By September 2021, the District shall form an advisory committee to assist with the work of Facilities Master Planning.
    • By December 2021, the Facilities Master Planning consultant will document existing conditions.
    • By January 2022, the updated Athletics Facilities Improvement documentation shall be integrated into the Facilities Master Plan.
    • By March 2022, a first draft of the Facilities Master Plan shall be complete.
    • By June 2022, the School Committee and the public shall be provided with a final copy of the Facilities Master Plan as part of the District Strategic Plan.

Goal Facilitator: Director of Facilities and Operations