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GA Personnel Policies Goals

File: GA 

The District supports a student centered, creative, and flexible learning environment. The personnel policies of the District reflect this philosophy and guide the recruitment, selection, training and support of highly qualified and committed administrators, teachers and support staff. 
The District's specific personnel goals are: 
  1. To develop and implement those strategies and procedures for personnel recruitment, screening, and selection that will result in the employment and retention of individuals with the highest capabilities, strongest commitment to quality education, and greatest probability of effectively implementing the district’s learning program.
  2. To develop a general staff assignment strategy that will contribute to the learning program, and to use it as the primary basis for determining staff assignments.
  3. To provide positive programs of staff development that contribute both to improvement of the learning program and to each staff member's career development aspirations.
  4. To provide for a genuine team approach to education.
  5. To develop and use for personnel evaluation positive processes that contribute to the improvement of both staff capabilities and the learning program.

Adopted: 5/19/2021