Kindergarten FAQ
The following are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about our Kindergarten program. Parents who would like additional information are encouraged to contact Ben Schersten, Buker School Principal (978-468-5324), Jennifer Hunt, Cutler School Principal (978-468-5330) or Carolyn Shediac, Winthrop School Principal (978-468-5340).
Is transportation provided?
Yes, transportation is provided for those students who live a half-mile or beyond the school. Bus stops are established with input from the schools and the bus company. The bus routes and stops are published on the District website prior to the start of school. Any questions regarding transportation should be directed to
An adult must accompany a kindergarten student to and from the bus stop. The bus driver will not release a kindergarten student without an adult present. Any kindergarten student who has not been met at the bus stop will be returned to his/her school and a parent or guardian will be contacted.
How will my child be assigned to a school?
School assignments will be determined by the current placement of elementary siblings, equitable class sizes, as well as neighborhood location.
When will I receive my child’s school assignment?
Parents will be informed of kindergarten school assignments at the end of June. Summer registrants will be notified of school assignments in mid-August.
What are the hours of the kindergarten school day?
Kindergarten students follow the same schedule as our students in grades 1-5.
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:25am-2:57pm
- Wednesday: 8:25am-12:45pm
What if my child does not have the medical forms required?
According to state regulations, kindergarten students who do not have up-to-date physical examinations and immunization records may not attend school. All current medical forms are expected at the time of registration.
When can we visit the school?
Incoming kindergarten students and parents will be invited to their assigned school at the end of August.
How should my child dress for school?
Children should dress in comfortable clothing that is appropriate for indoor and outdoor play.
What supplies will my child need?
Classroom supplies will be provided by the school.
How will I communicate with the school?
Each school has its own website that will provide you with important and timely information throughout the year. Individual school websites can be accessed through the District website (
Teachers will provide parents with the most effective way to communicate with the classroom. This will often be by email, phone call, or note. Teacher contact information is located on the school website.
What do I do if my child will be absent from school?
Each school has a Safe Arrival line that is monitored by the nurse.
If your child is going to be absent or tardy, leave a message on the Safe Arrival line. Safe arrival numbers are posted on the district website (
How do I communicate my child’s after-school plans?
At the beginning of the year, you will establish your child’s afternoon dismissal plans with the classroom teacher. If you need to make a change to the established routine, send a note to the teacher with your child. If you need to make a change during the school day, please call your school’s office; do not email the teacher as teachers are not always able to check their email during the day.
How do I pay for school lunches?
ALL school lunches are free.
If your child would like to purchase snacks or assorted drinks -- they will need funds in their MySchoolBucks Lunch Management Systems. If your child brings lunch from home but would like to purchase a drink such as milk or juice, there is an additional cost.
Incoming kindergarten students will be assigned a four-digit PIN number for the MySchoolBucks Lunch Management System. The Director of Nutrition Services will provide families with PIN numbers and directions for enrolling in the program before the start of the school year.
Who are “The Friends”?
The Friends groups at each of the schools are the parent volunteer organizations. The Friends coordinate cultural enrichment, fundraising, and social activities for children and their families. The Friends hold a business meeting once a month and all parents are welcome to attend.
How will we know about school events?
Classroom teachers and the principals provide regular communication through newsletters, blog posts, or websites. In addition, each school maintains a website that includes timely information for parents.
How can I find out about volunteer opportunities at school?
Parent volunteers are an important part of our school communities. Each school coordinates parent volunteer opportunities and you will be informed of such throughout the year.