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Creating an Aspen Account

PLEASE NOTE: You will have to be on a computer to create an Aspen account. If you need assistance or access to a computer, please contact Jen Caufield.

Go to Hamilton Wenham's Aspen login page:

1. Click on "Request an account".

image of request Aspen account

2. Select the Account Type and click "Next Step".

image of account type window

3. Enter your (parent/guardian) information in the available fields and then click "Next Step".

image of create your Aspen page

4. Enter your user account information and click "Create My Account."

image of account information page

 5. You should see the following confirmation:

image of Aspen Account confirmation

6. Aspen will send you a verification email. Log into your email account and verify your email address by clicking on the link in the email.

If you did not receive a verification email, please check your spam/junk folder. You may contact Aspen Help - if you are having trouble creating your account.

Image of Aspen Welcome letter

 7. You will be brought to Aspen where you will see the following:

image of Email Validation

8. Login with your new Aspen account credentials to access the Student Registration portal.

image of Aspen login window

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