HWRSD Health Services
Lea Tabenkin BSN, RN, NCSN | District Nurse Leader, High School Nurse |
Maribeth Ting MSN, RN, NCSN | Miles River Middle School Nurse |
Jessica Baker BSN, RN, NCSN | Winthrop School Nurse |
Darlene Budds MSN, RN | Cutler School Nurse |
Lisa Druskat, BSN, RN NCSN | Buker School Nurse |
Prior to returning to school, please ensure that your children are up to date with their immunizations. Immunization Requirements for School Entry. The influenza vaccination requirement has been removed, however, the Department of Public Health strongly recommends that all children be vaccinated with both influenza vaccine and COVID-19 vaccine according to age eligibility.
Guidelines for Dismissal or Reasons to Keep Your Child Home from School:
In an effort to minimize the spread of contagious illness, the Hamilton Wenham Regional School District has developed the following guidelines for determining when your child needs to be sent home or stay home from school.
Students who require medications during the school day will use the Health Office for Safe Administration. Read more information HERE.
Nurses will work collaboratively with parents and the provider to create a medical plan that minimizes interruptions in the school day while ensuring the student is administered medication in a safe environment.
For health and safety reasons, students should never transport medication to and from school or keep any medication in their possession during the school day, including over the counter medications. Parents may consent to “self-administration” for students who carry their personal inhaler and/or EpiPen.
The Medical Consent Form should be signed by a Parent and Health Care Provider.
Respiratory Virus Guidance / COVID-19 Guidelines:
- CDC Respiratory Virus Guidance
- Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) Respiratory Virus / COVID-19 Guidelines
- Pertussis (whooping cough)
Hamilton Wenham School District Pediculosis (Lice) Procedures
Lead Nurse
Lea Tabenkin BSN, RN, NCSN
District Nurse Leader,
High School Nurse
Phone: 978-468-0409
Email: l.tabenkin@hwschools.net