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Title 1 Grant


Overview of the Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act

What is Title I?
Title I is a federal program authorized through the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. It provides financial assistance to schools based on each school’s percentage of poverty. Funds are used to provide supplemental resources to ensure all children meet academic standards. Title I funds may be used for additional staffing, extended time for learning, family involvement, and professional development activities, as well as supplemental purchases of materials and equipment.

How Do Schools Receive Title I Funds?

The federal government provides funding to each state. Districts in Massachusetts apply to the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education for Title I funds. The number of low-income students attending each school is the determining factor for how much money each school will receive.

Which Schools Receive Title I Funds? - What Type of Programs are Offered at Our Schools?

Targeted Assistance Programs

  • Bessie E. Buker Elementary School
  • Cutler Elementary School
  • Winthrop Elementary School

Schools qualify to operate either schoolwide or targeted assistance programs. Schoolwide Programs are for schools that have at least 40% of its students eligible for Free and/or Reduced Meals (FARMS). In schoolwide programs Title I funds are used to upgrade the entire school’s educational program so that the overall education of ALL students who attend the school can be improved. All students enrolled in the school, including those with disabilities and those with limited English proficiency, are eligible to receive Title I services.

Buker, Cutler, and Winthrop operate Targeted Assistance Programs. Targeted assistance schools design, in consultation with parents, school staff, and district staff, an instructional program to meet the needs of students who are failing or most at risk of failing to meet Massachusetts’ academic achievement standards. The principal and staff analyze student performance data to identify areas of need for providing additional support to students in reading and/or mathematics. Students are rank ordered based on their performance on state and/or district assessments in English Language Arts and Mathematics. Students who are failing or most at risk of failing are selected from the rank ordered list. All students including those with disabilities and those with limited English proficiency are included in the ranking. Migrant children, homeless children, neglected or delinquent children, and children who attended Head Start, Even Start, or Early Reading First programs, because of their status or participation in these programs, automatically qualify for Title I.

How Will Title I Help My Child?

The Title I program will provide your child with extra educational assistance beyond the regular classroom. Additional services may include:

  • Instruction in small, flexible groups during portions of the day
  • Additional Staff (ie:tutors)
  • Opportunities for professional development for school staff
  • Extra time or extended time for teaching skills
  • A variety of supplementary teaching methods
  • Additional teaching materials for the regular instructional program

How Can Parents Participate in the Title I Program?

Parents can participate in the Title I program by:

  • Providing teachers with information about their child’s academic performance
  • Signing and returning Title I forms
  • Attending Title I parent involvement workshops
  • Evaluating the Title I program


Title I Contact Information

Stacy Bucyk
Dirctor of Student Services

***Additional information can be accessed through the U.S. Department of Education at