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Recertification Guidance

Recertification Guidelines for Massachusetts Educators

License Renewal (formerly Recertification) is a process applicable to all educators issued one or more Professional level licenses. An educator, who wants to keep their Professional level licenses current, must renew one of these licenses as their Primary area and any others as Additional area licenses, by their renewal date. Each Professional level license not renewed will become inactive five years from the expected date of renewal.

The renewal date for each license can be found in the educator’s ELAR profile and on any printed licensure card. The Education Reform Act of 1993 called for “life-time” standard certificates (now Professional level licenses), issued prior to October 1, 1994, to remain valid only until June 17, 1999. By that date, all educators needed to recertify their standard certificates in order for them to remain active for employment. The License Renewal process is one of several indicators that Massachusetts educators are meeting the challenges mandated by the Education Reform Act. Educators of the Commonwealth are continually improving their content (subject matter knowledge) and pedagogy (professional skills and knowledge) through the implementation of well-planned Professional Development (PD) activities that include high-quality professional development training opportunities that address the needs of our growing student population, school communities, and the rapidly changing educational landscape.

To view the complete text download the Recertification Guidelines for Massachusetts Educators.