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2023-2024 District Improvement Goals

Goal 1: Build District Communications Plan 

The District will complete and publish a District Communications Plan by the end of January 2023. 

Goal Facilitator: Eric Tracy, Superintendent 


  • Create a communications plan development committee
  • Determine components of a strong communication plan
  • Feedback from constituents
  • Final Communications Plan


Goal 2: Improve Teaching and Learning: Build MTSS Structures 

Throughout the 2023-24 school year, the district will continue to grow an intentional and sustainable Multi-Tiered System of Support to ensure that our students’ academic and social-emotional needs are met by ensuring the systematic use of data to inform all tiers of instruction. 

Goal 2A: Elementary 

By the end of 2026 school year, the Hamilton-Wenham Regional School District will strengthen the Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) model across all elementary schools targeting learning outcomes in literacy, math, and social-emotional learning. 

Goal Facilitator(s): Elementary Principals 


  • Implement grade level intervention blocks into master schedules to support Tier 2 instruction.
  • Undergo an elementary math review in order to identify high quality instructional materials for tier 1 instruction.
  • Identify and implement tier 2 math curriculum materials to support appropriate interventions within the classrooms
  • Define roles and responsibilities for classroom teachers and other support staff for in-class tier II interventions during identified intervention blocks.
  • Continue to grow Panorama to document individual and group supports. (subgroup demographic data, math data, etc) 
  • Identify and pilot a Tier 1 SEL curriculum/ program


Goal 2B: MRMS 

By the end of the 2023-2024 school year, MRMS will build upon earlier math and reading MTSS work by doing the following: 

Goal Facilitator(s): MRMS Principal, MRMS Asst. Principal 


  • Implement reading screening at all three grade levels.
  • Continue to utilize math screeners three times a year at all grade levels.
  • Capitalizing on scheduling opportunities, provide targeted and monitored interventions for students who require support in Math or Reading.
  • Utilize quarterly data meetings to support the continuous monitoring of student progress.
  • ELA department will pilot Tier I curricula with the goal to adopt for the 2024 school year.
  • Implement building-wide research-based practices to support executive functioning. 


Goal 2C: HWRHS 

By the end of the 2023-2024 school year, HWRHS will enhance data review processes and tiered supports for students in ninth and tenth grade. 

Goal facilitator(s): HWRHS Principal, HWRHS Asst. Principal 


  • Calendar of bi-weekly 9th and 10th grade support block meetings for data review 
  • Student enrollment and Panorama goal data for 9th and 10th grade support block students
  • STAR assessment calendar and participation data - Math & ELA (pilot)
  • After School Academy participation rate data and incentives
  • Recommendation for adoption of Tier 1 math curriculum resource
  • Identified shared executive functioning practices for ninth grade students 


Goal 3: Commit to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) practices 

By June 2024, HWRSD will implement activities that support ongoing teaching and learning experiences that build understanding, support implementation of practices, and allow for reflection and assessment of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging practices. 

Goal Facilitator: Stacy Bucyk 


  • Provide at least 4 professional learning opportunities related to DEIB practices for staff from August 2023 - June 2024 
  • Continued integration of recommendations from equity audit.
  • Create a DEIB webpage on the District Website to share timely information and resources
  • Change structure for DEIB practices instead of DEIB Advisory Committee
  • Provide DEIB learning opportunities at all levels to develop a sense of belonging for all students (ie: speakers, field trips)

Goal 4: Long-Range Planning 

By the end of December 2023, the HWRSD will develop and share with our communities, a 5-10 year Capital Improvement Plan. 

Goal Facilitator(s): Thomas Geary, Director of MFO and Vincent Leone, Asst. Superintendent of Business & Finance 


  • A written procedure and process for cataloging, prioritizing, and funding for capital investments.
  • Capital & Finance Sub-Committee adoption of procedures above.
  • Communicate the process to stakeholders including both town’s government officials
  • Create an inventory of capital investment requests
  • Publish a 5-10 year capital improvement plan
  • Share Capital Improvement plan with appropriate town agencies/boards