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2022-2023 District Improvement Goals


HWRSD 2022/23 District Goals

Approved by the Hamilton Wenham Regional School Committee August 18, 2022

Goal 1: Build District Vision and Strategic Plan 

Starting in the summer of 2022, with the support of Teaching & Learning Associates (TLA), the Superintendent, School Committee, and the District Leadership team will actively engage the community in a strategic planning process to be completed by December 2022 that will help to develop our core values, vision, and inform the next three to five years.  

Goal facilitator: Eric Tracy, Superintendent



Summer 2022, gathering artifacts across the district to inform the strategic planning process.

  • Complete file of useful artifacts related to the strategic planning process sent to consultants.

September 2022, launch a Strategic Planning Committee composed of key community stakeholders.

  • Final Strategic Planning Committee assembled

Identify survey questions.

  • Completed survey questions.

Administer community surveys.

  • Completed, delivered surveys

Identify focus group questions.

  • Completed focus group questions

Host up to five focus groups (TLA).

  • Completed focus group meetings

Analyze community forum and survey data and share analysis of data with Superintendent prior to the Steering Committee meeting.

  • Final data analysis

Host up to 5 Strategic Planning Committee (SPC)Meetings.

  • Completed SPC meetings that include visioning, review and rewrite mission, core values, a draft of the goals (Pillars) and strategies.

Goal (Pillar) Strategy Development.

  • Draft of the district goals / pillars, strategic objectives, strategic initiatives, outcomes 

Superintendent and leadership team will complete timeline, resources, responsibilities, funding sections of the strategic plan.

  • Finalized information related to resources, responsibilities, and funding.

December 2022, Bring forth a consensus 3-5 year Strategic Plan to the School Committee for approval. 

  • After School Committee presentation, final edits to the strategic plan will take place


Goal 2: Improve Teaching and Learning: Build MTSS Structures

The district will create an intentional and sustainable Multi-Tiered System of Support MTSS to ensure that our students’ academic and social-emotional needs are met by enrolling all staff members in a 3-year DESE Academy on Inclusive Instruction through Universal Design for Learning (UDL). 

Supporting Opportunities:

  • Summer 2022, Book study of UDL Now by Leadership Team 
  • Participation in DESE Inclusive Instruction through Universal Design for Learning Academy.

Goal 2A:  Elementary

By the end of the 2022-23 school year, the Hamilton-Wenham Regional School District will build a math and strengthen a reading Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) across all three elementary schools that targets learning outcomes at the elementary level. 

Goal Facilitator(s): Elementary Principals



By October 2022, identify and implement a math benchmark assessment and data management system.

  • Identified math screener and data management system
  • Benchmark assessment data 3x per year, September, December, April

By November 2022, provide initial professional development for all general and special education teachers on the implementation of our Tier I literacy core curriculum resource, Amplify CKLA. Professional development will continue throughout the year. 

  • PD Calendar developed by PDC (Professional Development Committee)
  • Meeting agendas

By February 2023, utilize a professional study group model to deepen consistent teacher knowledge based on the core components of comprehensive literacy and principles of effective instruction based on the Science of Reading.

  • PD Calendar developed by PDC (Professional Development Committee)
  • Curated list of professional resources used in study groups
  • Study group data - group size and resource choices

By May 2023, provide professional development to teachers to create consistent teacher knowledge based on Universal Design for Learning with support from DESE/Novak Education.

  • PD Calendar developed by PDC (Professional Development Committee)
  • Meeting agendas

By June 2023, utilize student-centered coaching cycles to support the implementation of Amplify CKLA in all grade levels.

  • Data collected on number of coaching cycles, grade-level, and coaching focus

By June 2023, strengthen our literacy MTSS model by aligning instructional resources, practices, and assessment across all three tiers.

  • Documented alignment of Tier 2 and 3 literacy instructional practices and resources
  • A comprehensive assessment framework that identifies specific screening, diagnostic, and progress monitoring assessments for all components of reading (PA, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension) at each grade level. 
  • Documented instructional focus areas matched to instructional resources by the components of reading by grade level.
  • Monthly communications to families regarding the shifts in teaching based on the science of reading

By June 2023, develop mathematics MTSS model by aligning instructional resources, practices, and assessment across all three tiers.

  • Documentation of data usage to support tiered instruction and intervention in math


Goal 2B: MRMS

By the end of the 2022-23 school year, the Miles River Middle School will implement a data process to review student progress in sixth grade in order to continue building a MTSS for the secondary level.

Goal Facilitator(s): MRMS Principal, MRMS Asst. Principal



By September 2022, select a common literacy screener for grade 6 and establish an assessment calendar for use during the school year.*

By January 2023, establish a literacy screener assessment calendar for 7th and 8th grades.

(*Utilize the Elementary Literacy Specialist to help bridge 5th to 6th data team transition.)

  • Literacy data for 6th graders
  • Literacy screener calendar
  • Regular meetings to review 6th grade Literacy data
  • Targeted student support during Intervention/ Enrichment block
  • Individual student success plans
  • Based on data collected, utilize iReady as a intervention resource (Tier I & Tier II)

Continue utilizing iReady as a common math screener for grades 6-8 with an established assessment calendar.

  • Math data for 6th graders
  • Math screener calendar
  • Regular meetings to review 6th grade Math data
  • Targeted student support during Intervention/ Enrichment block
  • Individual student success plans
  • Based on data collected, utilize iReady as a intervention resource (Tier I & Tier II)

By October 2022, provide teachers with training to support effective use of data.

  • Student supports provided based on need 
  • Process and procedure for students to enter and exit tiered supports (i.e. I/E Block)


Goal 2C: HWRHS

By the end of the 2022-23 school year, HWRHS will implement a data process to review student progress in 9th and 10th grade in order to support and continue building a MTSS for the secondary level.

Goal facilitator(s): HWRHS Principal, HWRHS Asst. Principal



By October 2022, enhance the work with the ninth and tenth grade team of teachers to better support the individual needs of students

  • Entry and exit criteria for the ninth and tenth grade student support blocks 
  • Support plans for students in the ninth and tenth grade support blocks
  • A regular review of student data for the purpose of moving students in and out of the ninth and tenth grade support blocks

By October 2022, improve student participation in the After School Academy 

  • Referral system for ninth and tenth grade students to the After School Academy
  • Parent communication system that will support student participation in the After School Academy
  • Data tracking system for attendance at the After School Academy 

By March 2023, the high school math department will use data to develop focused supports for students

  • A ninth and tenth grade math data team
  • Training for math teachers in the using data process with a defined timeline and appropriate materials.
  • Math screener(s) for ninth and tenth grade with a defined timeline and appropriate materials.
  • Quarterly math assessment calendar 
  • Focused lessons for use in the math support blocks based on academic need


Goal 3: Commit to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging (DEIB) practices 

Hamilton-Wenham Regional School District will meet the evolving and varied needs of all of our students and school community members in a manner that respects and values each individual, and: 

  • recognizes, acknowledges, and celebrates the presence of differences in all community members; 
  • promotes justice, impartiality, and fairness; 
  • welcomes and invites diversity in decision-making processes and developing opportunities for our community. 

Goal Facilitator: Stacy Bucyk



By November 2022, all schools will have identified a core group of staff across all five buildings who facilitate and support DEIB school level staff development and SIPs (school improvement plans)

  • September 2022: Determine DEIB Facilitators for each school
  • September 2022: Send out interest survey for DEIB Advisory Committee membership 
  • September 2022: Establish standing district DEIB Advisory Committee (including students, staff, caregivers, and community members)
  • Fall 2022: DEIB Advisory Committee will review Audit, determine areas to target for focus groups, and establish future Committee action steps and deliverables
  • Semi-annually: Invite stakeholders’ feedback utilizing surveys via Panorama software

By December 2022, the district will have developed an action plan to address prioritized deficiencies identified in the DEIB audit. 

  • September 15, 2022: Host a joint workshop of the HWRSD School Committee, District Leadership Team, and DEIB Advisory Committee to review audit findings and create a shared vision for the District’s DEIB initiative.
  • Spring 2023: Elementary student focus groups

By December 2022, the district will have identified action steps and deliverables to integrate and support families and caregivers.

  • Fall 2022: Host community, parent/caregiver, and staff focus groups to review Equity Audit findings and seek input regarding priorities among stakeholder groups.
  • Semi-annually: Invite stakeholders’ feedback utilizing surveys via Panorama software.

By June 2023, HWRSD staff will have participated in on-going professional development to support DEIB competencies.

  • Summer 2022 and Summer 2023: Offer DEIB-focused book club opportunities for faculty and staff.
  • August 2022: Investigate and apply to ECLC for Professional Development Supports to include in-house and outside opportunities.
  • 2022-23 School Year: Provide professional development/learning opportunities to build a collective understanding of DEIB competencies amongst staff, students, and community members. 
  • 2022-23: District Team participates in DESE Academy and disseminates information to district staff throughout the course of the year.


Goal 4: Improving Learning Environments 

Students in the Hamilton-Wenham Regional School District will have access to learning environments that are safe, clean and sustainable. District learning environments shall be a source of civic pride for the entire community. The District shall collaborate with both the towns of Hamilton and Wenham to plan significant capital investments effectively. 

Goal Facilitator: Thomas Geary, Director of MFO 



By June 2023, a report will be produced that updates the Committee and Community about the status of all FY2023 facility action items. These action items are pulled from the 2023-2028 Facilities Roadmap

Renew - The District shall…  

  • Complete all submittals to the MSBA for the Cutler School Project 
  • Complete the Athletic Field Project design and permitting process
  • Determine the funding appropriation and timeline for the Athletic Facilities Improvement Project 
  • Apply for MSBA assistance for the HWRHS Roof Replacement Project
  • Seek funding for a feasibility study for HS science lab upgrades 

Improve - The District shall…

  • Continue asbestos tile removal at Buker 
  • Continue asbestos tile removal at the HS
  • Continue elementary cleaning program overhaul 
  • Continue door replacement at the HS  
  • Continue window replacement at the MS 

Reduce - The District shall…

  • Relaunch the composting and recyclables program
  • Complete a feasibility study for solar energy in the District
  • Make available a performance contract RFP
  • Establish baseline utility usage for future energy reductions

Welcome - The District shall… 

  • Complete the feminine hygiene product dispenser install, providing free products to all students in grades 6-12. 
  • Seek funding for an ADA assessment at the Buker, MS, and HS