Buker, Cutler and Winthrop Schools
School Improvement Goals
Goal 1
All students will demonstrate growth, meeting or exceeding the grade level standards in mathematics as evidenced by benchmark assessments and portfolio opportunities.
- Implement the Investigations 3.0 mathematics curriculum for students in grades K-5.
- Professional development will focus on mathematics learning through looking at student work protocols, peer observations and visiting other schools.
- Administer beginning, mid-year, and end-of-year Boulder Valley School District screening assessments.
- Grade level data meetings held at least three times yearly to monitor student progress and plan for instructional intervention, establishing consistent practices across the elementary schools.
Goal 2
Expand the support of students’ social and emotional learning across the elementary grades.
- Expand Responsive Classroom practices in grades K-5
- Ensure all classroom teachers are trained in Responsive Classroom.
- Responsive Classroom building consultation at Buker School.
- Focus monthly building meetings to implement social/emotional learning supports such as relationship mapping, buddy classes, mentoring, community groups, student leadership,mindfulness, use of the Zones of Regulation and Social Thinking.
- Improve student attendance rates
- Continue to communicate with parents on the impact of attendance on school achievement.
- Create and further utilize consistent communication approaches with parents in instances of excessive school absences.
- Support students and families with extenuating circumstances that affect attendance rates.
Goal 3
All students will demonstrate growth, meeting or exceeding the grade level expectations in English/Language Arts. We will measure progress towards this growth using the following assessments: Fountas and Pinnell Benchmarks, Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening, Words Their Way Spelling Inventory and Fundations Probes.
- Implement Words Their Way Word Study Program in grades 4 and 5.
- Incorporate Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Program in grades K and 1.
- Utilize Lucy Calkins Writing Pathways resources with professional development study groups, K-5.
- Update to newest version of Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System and Continuum.
Goal 4
Increase school safety by implementing ALICE protocols and procedures.
- Instructor teams trained for each building (August 2018)
- Basic training for all staff: blended learning model (September 2018)
- Includes building-based scenario trainings
- Communicate new protocols with parents
- Communicate new protocols, in developmentally appropriate ways, with students.
Miles River Middle School
School Improvement Goals
Goal 1
Refine and enhance the use of feedback with staff to improve teaching and learning through learning walks and coaching sessions.
- Develop a shared understanding of best practices in conducting walkthroughs among leadership team and curriculum leaders.
- Provide time, training and resources to curriculum leaders in effective coaching practices.
Goal 2
Implementation of new math curriculum (Open Up Resources) in grades 6-8
- Curriculum training days for math/special education teachers
- Ongoing training and support
- Parent information
- Ongoing evaluation
Goal 3
Continued Implementation of updated science curriculum and resources in grades 6-8
- K-8 training with STEM Scopes resources
- Continued implementation and evaluation of STEM Scopes resources
- Re-ordering of Scopes
- Revision of 6-8 curriculum maps in UBD format
Goal 4
Development and implementation of a schoolwide Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support (PBIS) system for MRMS
- Develop a consistent, research based, school-wide system to support positive behaviors for all students
- Explicitly teach, model and reinforce desired behaviors
- Implement a system of data collection to monitor effectiveness and drive decisions
- Three year implementation
- Year 1 - planning and training for PBIS team and staff
- Year 2 - Implementation
- Year 3 - continued implementation/refinement
Goal 5
Building implementation of ALICE enhanced lockdown training and procedures
- Two day district train-the-trainer
- Online training for all staff
- Building based scenarios Update building and district emergency procedures
- District coordination with parents/emergency services
- Student training and drills
Hamilton-Wenham Regional High School
School Improvement Goals
Goal 1
The high school staff and faculty will begin the first of several years of the process for re-accreditation. The Steering Committee will complete the Self-reflection Report and the entire staff will complete the self-reflection process.
- Select teams for standards
- Write “Look Back”
- Start the self-reflection process
- Gather evidence
- Write reflection by standard
- Faculty vote in preparation for fall collaborative conference
Goal 2
The high school counselors and health and wellness teachers will work together to develop and deliver a Transitions curriculum via the health classes in grades 9-12. The curriculum incorporates developmental guidance benchmarks that align with the ASCA and MA models.
- Common Planning Time meetings with counselors and Wellness teachers
- Completed lesson plans
- Completed team taught classes
Goal 3
To help all staff and faculty learn and understand the new educator evaluation rubric.
- Meetings to review each of the “Power” elements/indicators chosen by the LT
- Teachers and administrators using the elements/indicators throughout the evaluation process.
Goal 4
To continue to develop an integrated and consistent instructional coaching model by utilizing curriculum leaders to complete 15
- PD related to instructional coaching
- Weekly meetings with P. McElhinney
- Classroom Learning Walks, conferences with teachers
Goal 5
Begin the process to develop a high school Statement of Beliefs in conjunction with the accreditation process.
- Gather pertinent information about beliefs
- Meet with HS staff to discuss, plan, develop ideas
- A small team will work on draft
- Final approval by the HS staff
Goal 6
Building implementation of ALICE enhanced lockdown training and procedures.
- 2Day District train-the-trainer
- Online training for all staff
- Train students
- Building based scenarios/practice
- Update building and district emergency procedures
- District coordination with
- parents/emergency services
- Student training and drills