Goal 1: Transition Portrait of a Graduate to Portrait of a Learner
By the end of the 2026 school year, the HWRSD will ensure that (all) students, staff, caregivers, and community are familiar with the renamed Portrait of a Learner.
Goal facilitator: Principals
- Change the PoG to PoL
- Can-Do Statements for all High School Competencies finalized by November 1st
- Mastery Learning Record pilot to begin in the high school at the start of the second semester
- Embed Portrait of a Learner language into communications and events with families
- Elementary: Identify and articulate how Responsive Classroom core values build the foundation for the Portrait of a Learner.
- Middle School - Explore the Critical Thinking component - Build in ways to support teaching critical thinking throughout the school year
Goal 2: Improve Teaching and Learning: Build MTSS Structures
Goal 2A: Elementary
By the end of the 2026 school year, the Hamilton-Wenham Regional School District will strengthen the Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) model across all elementary schools targeting learning outcomes in literacy, math, and social-emotional learning.
Goal Facilitator(s): Ben Schersten, Carolyn Shediac, Jennifer Hunt
- Create master schedules that allow for Tier 2 interventions not to impact Tier 1 instruction, while aligning Tier 2 intervention language, strategies, and routines with Tier 1 core instruction language, strategies, and routines.
- Focus grade-level literacy intervention blocks in Grades 1-3 to support Tier 2 instruction, supported by DIBELS and CBM data
- Implement Kindergarten intervention blocks supported by literacy staff to support Tier 2 instruction, supported by EarlyBird assessments and resources
- Implement new high-quality instructional materials for Tier 1 and Tier 2 mathematics instruction
- Monthly school-based, grade-level data meetings to examine students’ academic growth and social/emotional learning
Goal 2B: MRMS
By the end of the 2024-2025 school year, MRMS will build upon earlier math and reading MTSS work by doing the following:
Goal Facilitator(s): Zach Best, Liana Gerstein
- Continue math and literacy screeners at all grade levels three times yearly
- All students will have access to tier 2 math and reading support
- Develop data meeting structure across all grade levels to review screening and common assessments focused on grade-level standards
- Implement high-quality instructional materials in English/language arts classes
- Create a schedule that allows for all students to have access to Tier 2 support, with the ability to apply dynamic rostering throughout the school year.
Goal 2C: HWRHS
By the end of the 2024-2025 school year, HWRHS will enhance data review processes and tiered supports for students in ninth and tenth grade.
Goal facilitator(s): Bryan Menegoni, Jeff Becker
- Consistent implementation of Tier 1 mathematics high-quality instructional materials for Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II classes
- Develop a data review timeline for ELA and math for students in grades nine and ten, along with entry and exit criteria for students to receive targeted support in ELA and math
- Establish ELA Support Block for grades 9 and 10
- Develop common expectations for grade nine executive functioning supports
- Develop a plan for continued support for grades 11 and 12
Goal 3: Implement the New DESE Teacher Rubric
Implement the updated DESE-approved rubric for all professional staff.
Goal Facilitator: Eric Tracy, Superintendent
- Determine focus indicators for teacher evaluation
- Develop and deliver in-person training for all professional staff
- Review the DESE Crosswalk document with the teaching staff
- Develop a survey and survey professional staff and administrators to identify necessary changes to practice and implementation
- Align Vector with the new rubric
- Determine the process for teachers in Year Two of a Two-year Plan
Goal 4: Implement the Technology Plan
Implement the new Technology Plan across the district.
Goal Facilitator: Alan Taupier
- Disseminate a high-level summary of the plan for all stakeholders
- Convene focus groups of teachers and curriculum coordinators at each academic level to discuss digital pedagogical needs and determine the most appropriate computer device by grade, including the transition between devices.
- Integrate appropriate interactive digital tools into the daily curriculum to enhance engagement and understanding, using professional development and technology integration specialists to support technology integration and the use of devices.
- Review VOIP vendor offerings to identify advantageous criteria to incorporate into the acquisition documents. With a focus on becoming compliant with Kari’s Law.
- The school district aims to enhance student learning by integrating assistive technology to support diverse educational needs. This is a dynamic and evolving area of education that will require a flexible set of protocols, recourse, and staff development to ensure that the district is continually refreshing our offerings to meet the students where they are
Goal 5: Focus on high-quality, safe, state-of-the-art schools.
Goal Facilitators: Curtis Wightman, Director of Facilities and Operations
Eric Tracy, Superintendent
Goal 5A - Continue the schematic design process for the HW Elementary School Project
- Complete the Schematic Design Phase of the Elementary School project by submitting the preferred schematic report to the MSBA by December 30, 2024
- Host at least two community forums throughout the school year.
- Attend at least 3 local events to help explain the project to the public
- School Committee to vote for debt exclusion for town meeting no later than February 15, 2025
- Positive votes at both town meetings and ballots for the school debt exclusion
Goal 5B - Complete the Athletic Facilities Improvement Project by July 31, 2025
- Meet at least every other week with the designer and contractors
- Keep Athletic Facilities Improvement Project on/under budget
- Finalize MOUs for donations that have naming rights
- Complete the transfer of donations from HWAFIC to the District
- Finalize invoicing for the Hamilton ($800K) and Wenham ($400 K) portions of the CPC funding
Goal 5C - Continue to submit Statements of Interest (SOI) to the MSBA for school-related projects.
- Submit SOI for HS roof when the submission window opens
- Submit the SOI for the Buker Elementary School when the submission window opens
- Submit the SOI for the Winthrop Elementary School when the submission window opens
Goal 5D - Finalize the Facilities Capital Improvement Plan
- Finalize capital improvement plan - Develop the final form for intake and connect it to the final request form
- Form Facilities Improvement Committee by November 1, 2024