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JLCA Physical Examinations of Students

File: JLCA
Every student will be examined for screening in sight, hearing, BMI*, and for other physical problems as provided in the law and regulation. A record of the results will be kept by the school nurse. 
Every student will be given a general physical examination four times: upon entering school and upon admittance to the fourth, seventh, and tenth grades. The results of examinations will be a basis for determining what corrective measures or modifications of school activities, if any, should be recommended. A record of all examinations and recommendations will be kept. 
Every candidate for a school athletic team will present the signed consent of parent or guardian in order to participate on a squad and will, with the signed consent of parent or guardian, be thoroughly examined to determine physical fitness. The school physician will examine athletes, except when a family wishes to have the examination done by their own doctor at their own expense. A written report stating the fitness of the student to participate signed by the physician will be sent to the school Principal. 
The school physician will make a prompt examination of all children referred to them by the school nurse. They will examine school employees when, in their opinion, the protection of the student's health may require it.  Except in an emergency, the school physician will not prescribe for or treat any student. 
Whenever the school nurse finds a child suffering from any disease or medical problem, the situation will be reported to the parent or guardian in writing, or by personal visit if remedial treatment is recommended. A copy of the report will be filed at the school. 
The school nurse will make a monthly report to the Superintendent of the number of students examined; the number excluded; and the number recommended for treatment or special adjustment of work.  In all cases of exclusion or recommendation, the causes will be included in the report. 
*NOTE: Department of Health Regulations call for vision screenings in Grades 1-5, once between 6-8,and once between 9-12; hearing screenings in grades 1-3, once between 6-8, and once between 9-12; BMI in grades 1, 4, 7, 10.
  • JF School Admissions
Adopted: 12/1/2022


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