JIH Searches and Interrogations
File: JIH
Searches by Staff
The right of inspection of students' school lockers is inherent in the authority granted school committees and administrators. This authority may be exercised as needed in the interest of safeguarding children, their own property and school property.
Nevertheless, exercise of that authority by school officials places unusual demands upon their judgment so as to protect each child's constitutional rights to personal privacy and protection from coercion and to act in the best interest of all students and the schools.
Searches by school officials of students' automobiles or the student will be conducted in a way that protects the students' rights consistent with the responsibility of the school district to provide an atmosphere conducive to the educational process.
Interrogations by Police
The schools have legal custody of students during the school day and during hours of approved extracurricular activities. It is the responsibility of the school administration to protect each student's rights with respect to interrogations by law enforcement officials. Therefore:
- When law enforcement officials find it necessary to question students during the school day or periods of extracurricular activities, the school Principal or their designee will be present when possible. An effort will be made to contact the student's parent or guardian so that the responsible individual may be notified of the situation.
- If custody and/or arrest are involved, the Principal will observe that all procedural safeguards, as prescribed by law, are followed by the law enforcement officials.
Adopted: 12/1/2022