JFAB Admission of Non-Resident Students
- Persons who reside outside of the geographic limits of the Hamilton-Wenham Regional School District are classified as non-residents and may not be enrolled in the Hamilton-Wenham Regional Schools except as authorized hereunder:
A. Pupils whose parents or legal guardians have purchased a home or have signed a rental agreement in the towns of Hamilton or Wenham and provide a copy of the purchase or rental agreement with the intention of establishing residence within thirty (30) school days (and who have not yet located in the member towns) may be enrolled in the Hamilton-Wenham Regional Schools at the start of the school year tuition free. The Superintendent shall decide any exceptions or questions arising hereunder.
In such cases, no claim for transportation shall be made against the Hamilton-Wenham Regional School District prior to establishment of residency in Hamilton or Wenham.
Should residency not be established within thirty (30) school days from application, the student will be removed from membership. Under extraordinary circumstances, as determined solely by the Superintendent of Schools, an extension may be granted beyond thirty (30) school days.
Section A does not apply to students in Special Education collaborative or private Special Education day programs and the Hamilton-Wenham Regional School District will not assume fiscal or program responsibility for such students until the first day of residency in Hamilton or Wenham, in conformance with DESE regulations.
B. Students who are living with a caregiver as defined by MGL 201, Section 1 who has signed a Caregiver Authorization Affidavit (MGL 201, Section 2).
C. Students participating in School Choice program.
D. Any pupil who is legally enrolled in the Hamilton-Wenham Regional School District (gradesK-11) and who changes their residence to a place outside of the geographical limits of the Hamilton-Wenham School District after April school vacation of any school year may complete the school year in the school which they have been attending without the payment of tuition. In such cases, no claim for transportation shall be made against the Hamilton-Wenham Regional School District.
Requests for exceptions prior to April vacation to paragraph C above must be sought from the Superintendent of Schools and will occur only if there are extenuating circumstances as determined solely by the Superintendent of Schools.
E. Any pupil legally enrolled in the Hamilton-Wenham Regional School District who is completing their senior year (grade 12) at Hamilton-Wenham Regional High School and who changes their residence outside of the geographical limits of the Hamilton-Wenham Regional School District on or after January 1 may complete the year without payment of tuition. In such cases, no claim for transportation shall be made against the Hamilton-Wenham Regional School District. Requests for exceptions prior to January 1st to this regulation must be sought from the Superintendent of Schools and will occur only if there are extenuating circumstances as determined solely by the Superintendent of Schools.
F. Non-residents participating in a foreign exchange program approved by the School Committee.
3. Homeless students will be accepted in accordance with the McKinney-Vento Act and the District’s Policy on Homeless Students.