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Section J: Students


JB Equal Educational Opportunities
JBB Educational Equity
JCA Student Assignment
JCA-R Elementary Student Placement
JEB Entrance Age
JF School Admissions
JFAA Admission of Resident Students
JFAB Admission of Non-Resident Students
JFABB International Exchange Students
JFABC Admission of Transfer Students
JFABD Homeless Students: Enrollment Rights and Services
JFABE Educational Opportunities for Military Children
JFABF Educational Opportunities for Children in Foster Care
JFBB School Choice
JH Student Absences and Excuses
JHD Exclusion and Exemptions from School Attendance
JI Student Rights and Responsibilities
JIB Student Involvement in Decision
JIC Student Discipline
JICA Student Dress Code
JICC Student Conduct on School Buses (also EEAEC)
JICE Student Publications
JICFA Prohibition of Hazing
JICFA-E Hazing
JICFB Bullying Prevention
JICH Alcohol, Tobacco and Drug Use by Students Prohibited
JICK Harassment of Students
JIE Education of Pregnant and or Parenting Students
JIH Searches and Interrogations
JII Student Complaints and Grievances
JJ Co-Curricular and Extracurricular Activities
JJA Student Organizations
JJE Student Fundraising Activities
JJF Student Activity Accounts
JJIB Interscholastic Athletics
JJIF Head Injuries and Concussions
JJIF-R Head Injuries and Concussions Compliance Plan
JK Student Conduct
JKAA Physical Restraint of Students
JL Student Welfare
JLC Student Health Services and Requirements
JLCA Physical Examinations of Students
JLCB Immunizations of Students
JLCC Communicable Diseases
JLCD Administering Medicines to Students
JM Scholarships
JQ Student Fees, Fines & Charges
JRA Student Records
JRD Student Photographs
