EEAA Student Transportation
File: EEAA
The transportation policy of this District is aimed at providing a safe and efficient way of transporting all of our students to and from school. Given the rural nature of the towns of Hamilton and Wenham, and that several direct routes to the district’s school lack sidewalks, the Hamilton-Wenham Regional School District will provide transportation services in compliance to both statutory requirements and the Hamilton-Wenham Regional School District Agreement.
- The Hamilton-Wenham Regional School District will provide transportation services to students if the distance from their residence and the school or the nearest bus stop exceeds the following guidelines:
Grade Level Distance to School or Bus Stop
K - 2 1/2 mile
3 - 5 3/4 mile
6 - 8 1 mile
9 - 12 1.25 mile
3 - 5 3/4 mile
6 - 8 1 mile
9 - 12 1.25 mile
- Transportation will be provided at the expense of the Hamilton-Wenham Regional School District.
- Whenever any student must walk one-quarter of a mile or more on a direct route to school that does not have sidewalks, the District may furnish transportation if the situation is considered hazardous. Students who are unable to walk to school for physical or other reasons may be provided with transportation upon a physician’s recommendation or such a recommendation which is included as part of a student’s, Individual Educational or 504 Plan.
- If a student wishes to be transported a different destination, requiring a change of bus route, he/she must receive prior permission from his/her school office as the District needs to determine the availability of space on a particular bus.
- The safety of all student bus rides is of prime importance. Students are charged with the responsibility of conduct which will result in safe transportation, respect for school personnel and respect for other students. Rules for student behavior on buses will be published and enforced.
Adopted: 5/19/2021