DJEA Purchasing Requirement $10K to $49,999
File: DJEA
All purchases of materials and equipment and all contracts for construction or maintenance in amounts exceeding $10,000 will follow the process outlined in the Massachusetts Procurement 30B Law.
There are several laws that govern purchasing supplies, services, design services and construction. Chapter 30B governs the procurement of supplies and services. Chapter 30, 39M governs procurement of public building construction under $10,000 and public works construction (horizontal construction). Chapter 7C, §§44-57, governs procurement of designer services. Chapter 149 governs public building construction over $10,000.
The majority of purchases that are made in schools are governed by Chapter 30B. In essence, any procurement of supplies and services that will exceed $10,000 in total but will be less than $50,000 requires the solicitation of quotes based upon a written purchase description from at least three vendors who customarily provide the item or services. The awarding authority for all contracts entered into on behalf of the school district is the Chief Procurement Officer. The CPO executes formal written contracts with vendor(s) for procurements over $10,000. Contracts for procurements under $50,000 are executed via the submission of all information through the quote and purchase order process and signed by both parties. Procurements that will be processed at intervals throughout the year do not need to be re-bid each time as long as when the quotes are obtained the schedule of procurements is contained in the written purchase description and the schedule does not exceed three years. The written contracts must be maintained for a period of six (6) years from the time of final payment.
Sole Sources Procurements (MGL Chapter 30B. Section 7)
The Chief Procurement Officer may award a contract in an amount of not more than $50,000 for any contract for the procurement of library books, textbooks, educational programs, educational courses, educational curricula in any media including educational software, newspapers, serials, periodicals, audiovisual materials or software maintenance without competition when, after reasonable investigation, the Chief Procurement Officer determines, in writing that only one practical source for the required supply or service exists. The Chief Procurement Officer shall procure a proprietary item by competition if more than one potential bidder or offer for that item exists.
The Chief Procurement Officer shall record all sole source procurements, specifying each contractor's name, the amount, and type of each contract, a listing of supplies and services procured under each contract, and the basis of the determination that the contractor was the only practical source for the required supply or service.
Adopted: 1/5/2023