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BEE Special Procedures for Conducting Hearings

File: BEE
In conducting all public hearings required by law, and others, as it deems advisable, the School Committee will: 
  1. Give due and public notice in line with statutory requirements and seek to publicize the meeting in all local media.
  2. Make available information on the topic of the hearing.
  3. Give all persons an equal opportunity to be heard in accordance with the Committee's policy.
The Chair or acting Chair of the Committee will preside at the hearing. 

The public will be informed at the beginning of the hearing the particular procedure that will be followed in regard to questions, remarks, rebuttals, and any time limitations or other rules that must be followed to give everyone an opportunity to be heard.   
In accordance with customary hearing procedures, statements and supporting information will be presented first by the Committee, or by others for the Committee; to comment, citizens must be recognized by the Chair, and all remarks must be addressed to the Chair and be germane to the topic.  

To assure that all who wish get a chance to speak, the Chair will recognize persons who have not commented previously during the hearing before recognizing persons who wish to remark a second time. 
Adopted: 5/19/2021