BE Duration of School Committee Meetings
In order to conduct efficient meetings, enable public engagement, and facilitate meaningful dialogue between School Committee members, the Hamilton-Wenham Regional School Committee recognizes the importance of adhering to clear expectations about the duration of meetings. The following policy regarding duration, meeting extension, and unfinished business applies to all Regular Meetings, Special Meetings, Executive Sessions, or Public Hearings of the Hamilton-Wenham Regional School Committee.
Three (3) hours after the initial start time of the meeting, the Committee will entertain a motion and vote on whether or not to extend the meeting for an additional 30 minutes. The first 30-minute extension requires a simple majority of the members present for approval.
After the first 30-minute extension, any subsequent meeting extensions require a 2/3 majority of the members present for approval.
Any unfinished business left on the table at the adjournment of the meeting will be placed at the beginning of the next School Committee meeting for consideration and action, ahead of any regularly scheduled business for the following meeting.
Adopted: December 2, 2021