BBBA/BBBB School Committee Member Qualifications/Oath of Office
In order to serve on the School Committee, an individual must be a registered voter in the town from which they are elected or appointed and must take an oath of office as required by law.
Each new member will present to the Committee secretary official certification of having sworn the oath before an officer duly qualified to administer oaths prior to entering on their official duties as a member of the Committee.
From the Municipal or District Clerk, newly qualified Committee members, by law, receive, and sign a receipt for, a copy of the Massachusetts open meeting law governing the conduct of Committee meetings in general and executive sessions in particular.
Newly qualified Committee members shall, by law, receive and sign a receipt for, within 30 days of taking office, a copy of the Massachusetts Ethics Commission’s Summary of the Conflict of Interest laws. As municipal employees, all School Committee members shall receive a copy of said summary annually. All School Committee members shall, within 30 days of taking office, and every 2 years thereafter, complete the Massachusetts Ethics Commission’s online training program. Upon completion of the online training program, members shall provide notice of such completion to be retained for 6 years by the Municipal or District Clerk.
Membership on a School Committee is not limited to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, gender identity or sexual orientation.
Established by law.
Adopted: 5/19/2021