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ADF Wellness

File: ADF

A. Introduction
The Hamilton-Wenham Regional School District (HWRSD) is committed to providing a school environment that enhances learning and development of lifelong wellness practices. Driven by the District’s Core Value to develop the whole child, including academic abilities and physical and emotional well-being guided by the district’s strategic plan, the Alliance for a Healthier Generation Program and in accordance with the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010 a local Wellness Policy has been developed by the District Wellness Committee. In addition to the policy a Wellness Guideline document has been created by the District Wellness Committee providing further detail about each section of the policy.
B. Wellness Committee
The mission of the Hamilton-Wenham Regional School District Wellness Committee is to provide a Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child approach to physical, mental, social and emotional health promoting innovative learning and skill development as the foundation for academic success and personal achievement, thereby instilling a supportive and health literate climate for all students, teachers, staff, and community. For more information, read page 4 of the HWRSD Wellness Guideline.
C. Health Education
HWRSD will implement a planned, sequential; pre K-12 curriculum that addresses the physical, mental, emotional and social dimensions of health and that is aligned with the Mass Health Frameworks, the National Health Education Standards and existing district policy H8047. Standards to reduce student participation in risk behaviors such as nutrition, sexuality, tobacco, alcohol & other drugs, social & emotional, and violence prevention education will be included within the preK-12 health education curriculum. For more information, read page 13 of the HWRSD Wellness Guideline.
D. Physical Activity
HWRSD will implement a planned, sequential, pre K-12 physical education curriculum that addresses the physical, social, emotional and cognitive development of all students following the Mass Physical Education Frameworks and the National Physical Education Standards. This program will provide a variety of developmentally appropriate activities that are interwoven with sound standards, benchmarks, and assessments to focus on student learning. Opportunities for learning experiences in a variety of activity areas, including physical education, teams and sports clubs, recess in K-8, and co- curricular activities will be provided. Daily directed physical movement will be promoted at all levels. For more information, read page 10 of the HWRSD Wellness Guideline.
E. Nutrition
HWRSD will:
  • Provide reimbursable student meals that meet state and federal guidelines;
  • Offer a variety of nutritious, affordable and appealing foods that accommodate the health and nutrition needs of all students;
  • Develop nutrition guidelines for all foods available on each school campus during the school day, with the objective of promoting student health and reducing childhood obesity;
  • Monitor foods available on all school campuses to assure adherence to these guidelines;
  • Make nutritional recommendations for foods served in school-related activities beyond the school day.
For more information, read page 8 of the HWRSD Wellness Guideline.
F. Guidance and Counseling
HWRSD will create a planned, sequential preK-12 guidance workshops and counseling services following the Massachusetts Model for Comprehensive School Counseling Programs of 2017. In the high school, school counselors co-teach with wellness teachers promoting social and emotional competencies defined by CASEL (2017) promoting lifelong wellness practices for students and the larger school community. For more information, read page 13 of the HWRSD Wellness Guideline.
G. Health Services
HWRSD will provide preventative care and intervention strategies aligned with the Massachusetts School Health Services and MA Department of Public Health policy and guidelines and existing district policy H8045. For more information, read page 15 of the HWRSD Wellness Guideline.

H. Health Promotion and Professional Learning for Staff
HWRSD will identify and recommend informal opportunities and resources that support school staff as they model healthy wellness practices within the district. For more information, read page 15 of the HWRSD Wellness Guideline.
I. Healthy School Environment
HWRSD will promote safe, healthy, well-maintained surroundings that support a culture of caring, respect and responsibility. For more information, read page 15 of the HWRSD Wellness Guideline.
J. Family/Community Involvement
HWRSD will make efforts to gather resources, define services, provide programs and respond to the health needs of HWRSD students and families. In addition, the district may also support other broad- based groups that promote wellness as they are created within our communities. For more information, read page 15 of the HWRSD Wellness Guideline.
K. Policy Review and Revision
This policy and its procedures will be reviewed every two years for compliance with state and federal law. Review and revision of these policies and procedures shall occur as needed by the District Wellness Committee, but at least every two years. For more information, read page 6 of the HWRSD Wellness Guideline.

  • Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010 Section 204 7 CRF Parts 210 and 220
  • National School Lunch and School Breakfast Program
  • Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act
  • Child Nutrition Act of 1996
  • M.G.L. 71:3 (physical education)
  • M.G.L. 69:1C (nutritional standards and food services in public school)
  • M.G.L. 71:2A (tobacco, student use)
  • M.G.L. 71:37H (tobacco, use on school grounds)

Adopted: 5/19/2021; Reviewed 5/22/2023