Policy Manual Sections
- Section A - Foundations & Basic Commitment
- Section B - Board Governance and Operations
- Section C - General School Administration
- Section D - Fiscal
- Section E - Support Services
- Section F - Facilities
- Section G - Personnel
- Section H - Negotiations
- Section I - Instruction
- Section J - Students
- Section K - Community Relations
- Section L - Education Agency Relations
Section A - Foundations & Basic Commitment
- AA-E By-Laws
- AC Nondiscrimination
- ACA Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex
- ACAB Harassment
- ACE Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability
- AC-R Nondiscrimination Policy Including Harassment and Retaliation
- ADC Use of Tobacco Products Prohibited on School Premises
- ADDA Background Checks
- ADDA-R DCJIS Model CORI Policy
- ADDA-R-I CORI Policy for Owners of Challenge Courses for Conducting Criminal History Inquiries
- ADF Wellness
Section B - Board Governance and Operations
- BA School Committee Operational Goals
- BAA Evaluation of School Committee Operational Procedures
- BB School Committee Legal Status
- BBA School Committee Powers and Duties
- BBAA School Committee Member Authority
- BBBA/BBBB School Committee Member Qualifications/Oath of Office
- BCA School Committee Ethics
- BDD School Committee-Superintendent Relationship
- BDF Advisory Committees to the School Committee
- BDFA-E-1 School Improvement Plan
- BDFA-E-2 Submission and Approval of the School Improvement Plan
- BDFA-E-3 Conduct of School Council Business
- BDFA School Councils
- BDG School Attorney
- BE Duration of School Committee Meetings
- BEC Executive Sessions
- BEDH Public Comment at School Committee Meetings
- BEDL Remote Participation
- BEE Special Procedures for Conducting Hearings
- BG School Committee Policy Development
- BGB Policy Adoption
- BGBA Conflicts Between District Policy and Collective Bargaining Agreements or State and Federal Laws
- BGC Policy Revision and Review
- BGD School Committee Review of Procedures
- BGE Policy Dissemination
- BHC (also GBD) School Committee-Staff Communications
- BHE Use of Electronic Messaging by School Committee Members
- BIA New School Committee Member Orientation
- BIBA School Committee Conferences, Conventions, and Workshops
- BID School Committee Member Compensation and Expenses
- BJ School Committee Legislative Program
- BK School Committee Memberships
Section C - General School Administration
- CA Administration of the Organization
- CB Regional School Superintendent
- CBD Superintendent's Contract
- CBI Evaluation of the Superintendent
- CCB Line and Staff Relations
- CE Administrative Councils, Cabinets and Committees
- CFA Principals
- CH Policy Implementation
- CHA Development of Procedures
- CHC Procedures Dissemination
- CHCA Approval of Handbooks and Directives
- CHCA-E Approval of Handbooks and Directives
- CHD Administrative in Policy Absence
- CL Administrative Reports
- CM Regional School District Annual Report
Section D - Fiscal
- DA Fiscal Management Goals
- DB Regional School District Annual Budget
- DB-R Regional School District Budget
- DBC Budget Planning
- DBG Regional School District Budget Adoption Procedures
- DBJ Regional School District Budget Transfer Authority
- DD Funding Proposals and Applications
- DEC Federal Funds Supplement Not Supplant Policy
- DFA Cash & Investment
- DGA Regional School District Authorized Signatures
- DH Bonded Employees and Officers
- DI Fiscal Accounting and Reporting
- DIB Types of Funds/Revolving Funds
- DIBA Reserve Funds Excess
- DIE Regional School District Audits
- DJ Purchasing
- DJA Purchasing Authority
- DJE Procurement Requirements
- DJEA Purchasing Requirement $10K to $49,999
- DJEB Purchasing Requirement over $50K
- DK Regional School District Payment Procedures
- DKC Expense Reimbursements
- DN Property Records and Disposal of Capital Assets
Section E - Support Services
- EB Safety Program
- EBAB Pest Management
- EBB First Aid
- EBC Emergency Plans
- EBCD Emergency Closings
- EC Buildings and Grounds Management
- ECA Buildings and Grounds Security
- ECAC Vandalism
- ECAF Security Cameras in Schools
- ECF Energy Conservation
- EDC Authorized Use of School-Owned Equipment
- EEA Student Transportation Services
- EEAA Student Transportation
- EEAE School Bus Safety Program
- EEAEA Bus Driver Examination and Training
- EEAEA-1 Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus and Commercial Vehicle Drivers
- EEAEC (also JICC) Student Conduct on School Buses
- EEAG Student Transportation in Private Vehicles
- EEAJ Motor Vehicle Idling on School Grounds
- EEBA Vehicle Use
- EFC Free and Reduced Cost Lunch
- EFD Meal Charge Policy
- EIA Property Insurance Program
Section F - Facilities
Section G - Personnel
- GA Personnel Policies Goals
- GBA Equal Employment Opportunity
- GBEA Staff Ethics-Conflict of Interest
- GBEB Staff Conduct
- GBEBC Gifts to and Solicitation by Staff
- GBEBD Online Fundraising and Solicitations-Crowdfunding
- GBEC Drug-Free Workplace Policy
- GBED Tobacco Use on School Property by Staff Members Prohibited
- GBGB Staff Personal Security and Safety
- GBGBA Staff Accident Reports
- GBGE Domestic Violence Leave Policy
- GBGF Family and Medical Leave
- GBI Staff Participation in Political Activities
- GBJ Personnel Records
- GBK Staff Complaints and Grievances
- GCA Professional Staff Positions
- GCBA Professional Staff Salary Schedules
- GCBB Employment of Principals
- GCBC Professional Staff Supplementary Pay Plans
- GCE Professional Staff Recruiting-Posting of Vacancies
- GCF Professional Staff Hiring
- GCG Substitute Professional Staff Employment
- GCIA Philosophy of Staff Development
- GCJ Professional Teacher Status
- GCK Professional Staff Assignments and Transfers
- GCO Evaluation of Professional Staff
- GCQE Retirement of Professional Staff Members
- GCQF Suspension and Dismissal of Professional Staff Members
- GCRD Tutoring for Pay
- GDA Support Staff Positions
- GDB Support Staff Contracts and Compensation Plans
- GDO Evaluation of Staff
- GDQC Retirement of Support Staff Members
- GDQD Suspension and Dismissal of Support Staff Members
Section H - Negotiations
Section I - Instruction
- IB Academic Freedom
- IC/ICA School Year/School Calendar
- ID School Day
- IGA Curriculum Development
- IGD Curriculum Adoption
- IHA Basic Instructional Program
- IHAM Health Education
- IHAM-R Health Education
- IHAMA Parental Notification Relative to Sex Education
- IHAMB Teaching About Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs
- IHB Special Instructional Programs and Accommodations
- IHBAA Observations of Special Education Programs
- IHBD Compensatory Education
- IHBEA English Language Learners
- IHBF Homebound/Remote Instruction
- IHBG Home Schooling
- IHBH Alternative School Programs
- IIB Class Size Policy
- IJ Instructional Materials
- IJ-R Reconsideration of Instructional Resources
- IJL Library Materials Selection and Adoption
- IJLA Library Resources
- IJND Access to Digital Resources
- IJNDB Empowered Digital Use Policy
- IJNDC Publicly Available Internet Postings
- IJNDD Policy on Social Media
- IJOA School Sponsored Field Trips
- IJOB Community Resource Persons/Speakers
- IJOC School Volunteers
- IK Student Progress Report to Parents/Guardians
- IKE Promotion and Retention of Students
- IKF Graduation Requirements
- IL Evaluation of Instructional Programs
- ILD Student Submission to Educational Surveys and Research
- IMA Teaching Activities/Presentations
- IMB Teaching About Controversial Issues/Controversial Speakers
- IMD School Ceremonies and Observances
- IMDC Accommodation for Religious and Ethnic Observances
Section J - Students
- JB Equal Educational Opportunities
- JBB Educational Equity
- JCA Student Assignment
- JCA-R Elementary Student Placement
- JEB Entrance Age
- JF School Admissions
- JFAA Admission of Resident Students
- JFAB Admission of Non-Resident Students
- JFABB International Exchange Students
- JFABC Admission of Transfer Students
- JFABD Homeless Students: Enrollment Rights and Services
- JFABE Educational Opportunities for Military Children
- JFABF Educational Opportunities for Children in Foster Care
- JFBB School Choice
- JH Student Absences and Excuses
- JHD Exclusion and Exemptions from School Attendance
- JI Student Rights and Responsibilities
- JIB Student Involvement in Decision
- JIC Student Discipline
- JICA Student Dress Code
- JICC Student Conduct on School Buses (also EEAEC)
- JICE Student Publications
- JICFA Prohibition of Hazing
- JICFA-E Hazing
- JICFB Bullying Prevention
- JICH Alcohol, Tobacco and Drug Use by Students Prohibited
- JICK Harassment of Students
- JIE Education of Pregnant and or Parenting Students
- JIH Searches and Interrogations
- JII Student Complaints and Grievances
- JJ Co-Curricular and Extracurricular Activities
- JJA Student Organizations
- JJE Student Fundraising Activities
- JJF Student Activity Accounts
- JJIB Interscholastic Athletics
- JJIF Head Injuries and Concussions
- JJIF-R Head Injuries and Concussions Compliance Plan
- JK Student Conduct
- JKAA Physical Restraint of Students
- JL Student Welfare
- JLC Student Health Services and Requirements
- JLCA Physical Examinations of Students
- JLCB Immunizations of Students
- JLCC Communicable Diseases
- JLCD Administering Medicines to Students
- JM Scholarships
- JQ Student Fees, Fines & Charges
- JRA Student Records
- JRD Student Photographs
Section K - Community Relations
- KA School Community Relations Goals
- KBA School-Parent/Guardian Relations Goals
- KBBA Non-Custodial Parents' Rights
- KBE Relations with Parent Organizations
- KCD Public Gifts to the Schools
- KDB Public's Right to Know
- KDD News Media Relations/News Releases
- KE Public Complaints
- KF Community Use of School Facilities
- KF-R Community Use of School Facilities
- KGD Private Funding
- KHA Public Solicitations in the Schools
- KHB Advertising in the Schools
- KI Visitors to the Schools