COMPLETE submission below
Q: It was stated at the meeting yesterday that Winthrop School was off the table because a 5 year lease had been signed by the Selectmen and the state required a 50 year lease. Why not have the Hamilton Selectmen revise the lease to a 50 year period, go to a two story building, incorporate the Senior Center and continue to utilize Patton Park as a resource? Winthrop School is centrally located, has better access for cars and causes less neighborhood disruption.
A: The Hamilton Select Board’s decision for the terms to renew the Winthrop School lease considered a number of factors which are best addressed by the Select Board. A traffic study will be completed for the Preferred Solution during Schematic Design.
Q: How was the design team chosen?
The Designer was selected in accordance with the Massachusetts School Building Authority’s (MSBA) quality-based selection Designer Selection Process. Please visit for additional details.
Q: I think the Manchester/Essex school appears from the photographs to be sterile and not much fun for small children. The designers spoke about "bringing the outside in" through lots of glass. An atrium would be a better approach as well as movable walls and repurposing spaces.
Thank you for your feedback on design elements to be considered for the proposed school.
Q: Security was a concern. What better location than near the police station?
School security is a primary concern on every school project requiring the participation of local first responders throughout the project’s development and into construction. The first of a series of meetings with Hamilton’s first responders was held on March 20, 2024.
Q: Lastly, in terms of cost, the figures are way out of line. For 285 students you are outlining a plan that would cost $323,509. per student space for "C-2.1". Even with the help of the state, that seems high. The line item of "C-2.3" of Addition and Renovation is a made up number. That kind of work will need to be put out to bid and I would think the numbers would not need to be that high. All this being said, the schools do, at the very least, need upgrades.
The comparative estimates of probable costs for the conceptual designs are based on historical/market construction costs. The estimates will be refined as the project and building systems are better defined. At the conclusion of Schematic Design, the estimate of probable cost will become the basis for the total project costs used to establish the Project Scope & Budget Agreement with the MSBA.
Q: Why was there no combination where Buker was incorporated as one of the 2 combination schools so that Wenham would share the burden? It seems unnecessary that they are only included in the 3 combination. These are a lot of questions, but I hope they prompt discussion that will help to revamp a new plan.
As part of MSBA’s prescriptive process, the grade configurations inclusive of school consolidation options were established by the MSBA as part of their review and acceptance of the District’s Statement of Interest for the Cutler Elementary School. This enrollment options established by the MSBA can be found HERE. Regardless of the school’s location, the cost of the project will be shared between both Hamilton and Wenham. Hamilton & Wenham will vote at their April 5, 2025, Town Meetings and again at the Ballot Vote to approve funds for the project through a Proposition 2 1/2 override.