HWRSD by the Numbers
HWRSD School News & Events
The Hamilton-Wenham Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) Parents Rights Workshop
Tuesday, October 22nd from 6 – 8pm
This workshop will provide a comprehensive introduction to special education laws and procedures. We will cover the purpose of the law, referrals, evaluations, and the team meeting process including determining eligibility. You will also learn what to do if the student is not eligible and the parent’s procedural due process rights for resolving disputes. The Federation for Children with Special Needs hosts additional parent workshops on topics such as, “Transition Planning” and “Understanding the IEP”. Dates and times of all Federation-sponsored events can be found on their website: https://fcsn.org/event-calendar/
To develop an Educational Plan, the school building committee invited community stakeholders into a visioning process to determine what a new elementary school could provide for our students. The Ed Plan provides the guiding principles, goals, and features the team uses to develop the elementary school design. You can watch the informational video HERE.
We are looking to Fill the Following Positions:
- 5 Special Education ESP - Various Schools
- 1.0 FTE Long-Term Substitute Special Education Teacher - MRMS
- Long-Term Substitute 1.0 FTE Grade 4 Classroom Teacher - Winthrop Elementary - HWRSD
- .6 FTE Administrative Assistant, Student Services Department
- 1.0 FTE School Psychologist
- Lunch Monitors - Buker and Winthrop
- Assistant Coach - Cheer
- Assistant Coach - Alpine Ski
- School Nurse Substitutes
- Teacher Substitutes
If you are interested in joining our team, please contact Risa Hassel, Director of Human Resources.
The HWRSD has moved into the Schematic Design Phase of the MSBA process for the proposed HW Elementary School Project. Our goal is to educate all stakeholders through videos LINKED HERE. Stay tuned for more informational videos. Visit https://www.hwschools.net/about/hw-elementary-project for more information.
DID YOU KNOW… The Hamilton-Wenham Regional School District offers FREE caregiver-child playgroups, stroller walks, and musical story times for families and children aged 0-6? This pTo learn more and to register, please go to www.earlychildhoodpartners.com. Early Childhood Partners is funded by the Massachusetts Coordinated Family & Community Engagement (CFCE) grant awarded to the Hamilton-Wenham Regional School District by the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care.